Friday, May 17, 2024

May 13-17, 2024

🎵 Swimming, Swimming in the swimming pool...

We had a fantastic week swimming every day at the Thornhill Aquatic Pool.  The swim instructors were excellent and the kindies had a great experience learning how to stay safe in the water and to develop their swimming skills.

😀🎉A big shout-out to Mr. Collins, our phys-ed teacher who organized the event with the pool, the bus transportation, and was present all day long, every day at the pool!  And another big shout-out to our parent volunteer coordinators and our volunteers. Your support was truly amazing and contributed greatly to the success of this program!

A HUGE thank you to our VOLUNTEERS!!! We could not have survived without you! 

If you would like to volunteer next year, please get your clearance done now! They last 5 years!

Upcoming events...

Kindergarten classes will be working with an artist in residence at the end of May and beginning of June.

Thank you to Parent Council for funding this exciting school wide opportunity!

As part of our work with artist Jennifer Stables ( 
we will be hosting an 
Art Walk and Song Performance...

Thursday June 6 from 4:15pm-5:30pm

Artwork form Kindergarten and Grades 1-3 will be on display around the school and each grade grouping will perform a song (more details to come!)

We will be going on a community walk to a nearby pond on MONDAY JUNE 10th and we are looking for volunteers from each class to join us. We will need at least 2-3 volunteers per class. If you have a valid police clearance and would like to join us in walking through the neighbourhood to the pond, please reach out to your child's teacher!

Important Kindergarten Dates...

Every Wednesday- Library book exchange
Wednesday, May 22 - Kindergarten Orientation, 5:30pm
Thursday, May 23 - Volunteer Tea, 2PM
Friday, May 24  - PM Kindergarten Attends

LINK to our school  calendar

Kindergarten Friday Class Calendar

Our Emails

Mrs. Oster: 

Mrs. Sutherland: klsutherland@cbe.ab.c

Mrs. Wiskar:

Friday, May 10, 2024

May 6-10, 2024

More about Bees, Exciting Assembly, and's a Surprise!
Kindergarten students learned more about bees this week and why they are so important to us and our environment. The public library has many picture books about bees. Choose one with your child and find out more about these amazing insects. Keep a small pot of blossoms in your backyard and provide a place for bees to find nectar, pollinate plants, and do what we love best - make HONEY!!

Ask your child why bees are important?
"They pollinate flowers so we can have fruit."
"They make honey."
"We get candles from beeswax."
"If there's no electricity, we can use candles to see in the dark."

's a surprise! Our kindies used their creative skills to design special gifts and cards for someone they love! Here is a hint of what they did!



On May 9th at 2:00pm heads were shaved during an assembly!
We are raising money for the Alberta Children's Hospital Oncology research.

We raised the $$ goal amounts and much MORE for these SVS staff to shave their heads!!
$3500 Mrs. Masikewich
$4000 Mr. O'Reilly
$4500 Mr. Dewald

Our grand total was OVER $7000!!!

Congratulations Simons Valley School and all those who participated in this fundraising campaign.  BIG shout out to Mrs. Masikewich, Mr. O'Reilly, and Mr. Dewald for their willingness to shave their lids for cancer research. You three are looking GOOD!

We were thrilled to see our resident Kindergarten stylist up giving Mrs. M a good start to the shave! Well done!

Kindies are going Swimming starting MONDAY!! 

Have you done your homework?  Have your child take a bath at home in their swimsuit. Then get out of the bath, towel off, get dressed. Roll the wet bathing suit in the towel and place in a plastic bag. It is too wet to go in the backpack.

On our swimming days, if possible, please have your child wear their swimsuit under their school clothes for their arrival at school so it will be a quick transition at the pool to find a locker in the change room and be ready for the swim lesson on the pool deck.

Here is a swimming bag checklist! 

1-swim suit (NOT in the bag, but worn to school under clothing- no underwear only the swimsuit worn)
1- towel
1- Clean underwear
1- Plastic or reusable to store wet items
**optional- goggles if your child is a swimmer already!

Please make sure to dry out unpack the swimsuit and towel to dry off each evening!

Label every item with your child's name - even the towel tag and the swim goggle strap. There will be more than 100 items in and around the pool and change rooms with both AM and PM kindies (and grade 5s) at swim lessons each day.

Note: There is only 10 minutes between the end of the swim lesson to get changed and to get on the school bus. Thanks for your help!

The $35 swim fee includes the cost of the pool swim instructors and the school bus transportation.  Please pay online in your MyCBE PowerSchool Account OR you can send a cash payment in an envelope to the office. The office will issue you a receipt.
Thank you in advance for paying in a timely manner.

Important Kindergarten Dates...

Every Wednesday- Library book exchange
Friday, May 17 - Non Instruction Day - No school for Students
Friday May 24  - PM Kindergarten Attends

LINK to our school  calendar

Kindergarten Friday Class Calendar

Our Emails

Mrs. Oster: 

Mrs. Sutherland: klsutherland@cbe.ab.c

Mrs. Wiskar: