Kindness Matters! This week we learned about being kind to ourselves, our families, classmates, school, community, and our world.
We met some Canadian Indigenous Kindness Critters who sent us videos that inspired us to accept some kindness challenges...ask your Kindie what they did this week to show Kindness to themselves, their families, the big kids and their classmates!
Meet "Bizzy Beaver" and "Mo the Moose"...
(created by Chris Kewistep and Paul Windsor respectively.)
After meeting our Kindness Critters, we watched a video about how the best medicine is KINDNESS and it comes from within us. The indigenous puppeteer from Tsuut'ina Nation shared a video with us using puppets to show us how an Elder Kohkom (Grandma.)
We are learning how to be kind to ourselves especially in accepting who we are and our uniqueness. We drew a self-portrait and chose 3 qualities that best describe us:
I am...
grateful, loved, a good friend, a hard worker, creative, kind, silly, talented, loving, and more!
We talked about ways we can be kind to each other. Then we created posters to share with our school community and made some pencil toppers to share with our grade 5 and 6 helpers.
🩷Wednesday, February 26 was PINK SHIRT DAY! Many students chose to wear pink to support kindness and anti-bullying. The story "Say Something" by Peter Reynold explores many ways that a single voice can make a difference. We focussed on sharing kindness around the school today and found some teachers and big kids to 'high five'...Kindies were sharing kind messages...
"You are awesome!"
"Thank you for helping us!"
"Happy Kindness Day"
"Hapy Pink Shirt Day!"
Every day we have a chance to say something with our actions, our words, and our voices. Kindness Counts!!
We finished the week reading The Three Little Mittens about friendship, belonging, and the pressure we sometimes feel to "match." We can look for ways to include our friends in our play time, snack table, and partner work.
We extended our math thinking by making a class-sized bar graph of our mittens, gloves, and who didn't bring any mitten or gloves today. We observed which category had the most or the least items. We used terms like more, less, and the same.
We continue to learn letter sounds! We have been learning about partnerships of letters that are "noisy" and "quiet". We know that we don't add an "uh" sound when we say letter sounds and will offer our knowledge to others if we hear someone make that error!
We have also been excited to meet the "Superstars" (aka vowels) who say their sound louder and longer than the other letters. You need a superstar in order to make a word and we have been using the "tap and sweep" strategy to begin learning how to blend sounds together to make words. Ask your kiddo to teach you about lively letter sounds. We will also be posting more videos to our Google classroom to help with these skills!
Important Kindergarten Dates
Monday, March 3 - LIBRARY DAY - Return your book in its plastic bag
Friday, March 7, Morning(AM) Kindergarten Class - 9:10am -12:05pm
Link to our Simons Valley School calendar: Click Here
Link to schedule for Friday Kindergarten Classes: Friday Schedule