This is Me in November!
We continue to practice drawing people using Mat Man shapes to create a self portrait of "This is Me in November." The students are learning to add more details to help identify their own unique characteristics: hair, eye colour, ears, clothes they are wearing that day.
Did you know that Kindergarten children can access FREE GLASSES if they need them?
Eye exams are also covered by Alberta Healthcare...check out the information below if your child has not had a recent eye exam!
Google classroom is LIVE!! We post weekly plans on google classroom as well as helpful links and valuable information. As your child moves to Grade 1 they will be using google classroom weekly and getting used to checking it now is a Kindergarten expectation. If you are planning a vacation or your child will miss consecutive days of school, our google classroom provides helpful information about supporting your child.
NEXT Library Day will be Monday, November 18!
Thank you for helping your child to remember their library book AND plastic protector BAG each Monday!!
Link to our Simons Valley School calendar: Click Here
Link to schedule for Friday Kindergarten Classes: Friday Schedule
Our Emails
Mrs. Oster:
Mrs. Sutherland:
Mrs. Wiskar: