Friday, January 24, 2025

January 20-24, 2025

The world changes when it snows!! This week, we explored the magic of snow and snowmen!

What do snowmen do after we have gone to bed? 

Snowmen at Night shared lots of winter fun that the snowmen have after the sun goes down.  Drinking ice cold cocoa, skating sledding, snowball fights, baseball...Check our Visual Journal for our favorite activities.

What if snowmen could have fun all year long? Students created seasonal pictures to show snowmen in spring, summer, fall, and winter. Ask your child about their favorite season.

Do snowmen ever get cold? Sneezy the snowman is cold and tries many ways to warm himself up but he keeps melting.  After we brainstormed all the ideas about how a snowman might melt, we painted melted snowmen with puffy paint and wrote about their melting adventures.

We also had our very own miniature Sneezy in our classroom! We watched Sneezy all day, but just like in the book he melted away. Too bad our classroom is too warm for Sneezy to stay a snowman! We will need to build him outside instead!!

We are scientists! We felt our little snowman with a bare hand and a mitt. We know why we need to wear mitts now!

Next we read about snowmen and their jobs, introducing important community roles we'll explore in the coming weeks.


We are putting finishing touches on planning for February and wanted to reach out with some important updates!

1. We know that the stores are filling up with Valentine's Day items and Valentine themed cards/ gifts/ treats. As a class we will be exploring themes of friendship, love and kindness as we approach Valentine's Day, but we will NOT be exchanging pre-made cards or treats at school. 

2. Our learning time during the day is short and we want each child to contribute to an inclusive whole group lesson and intentional friendship activity. Students will bring home their special must-do activity ahead of Teacher's Convention to share with families!

Please do not send Valentine Cards or treats to school.

We appreciate your understanding!

Important Kindergarten Dates

Monday, January 27, Library Day - return books in their plastic protective bags
Monday, January 27 Report Cards Available in MY CBE. Report cards can be seen in digital format. There will not be paper copies sent home.
Friday, January 31 - NO CLASSES - Non-Instruction Day

Link to our Simons Valley School calendar: Click Here

Link to schedule for Friday Kindergarten Classes: Friday Schedule

Our Emails

Mrs. Oster: 

Mrs. Sutherland: 

Mrs. Wiskar: