The students were very excited to share their adventures they had over their winter break. This week we officially said Good-bye Autumn and Hello Winter!
Our winter read-alouds review the seasons, remind us of fun snowy activities, introduced some winter animals, and shared the special gifts that winter gives to us including rest, waiting, remembering, and being thankful!
"Help! I'm melting!" A boy rescues his snowball again and again. He and his snowball find a way to share a whole year together and experience all the seasons.. Ask your child why the snowball feels it is the luckiest snowball of all!" Then we worked on a sequencing activity to explain the order necessary to make a snowman...
We learned about the water cycle and how snowflakes are created in the book "Little Snowflake." Ask your child which very important shape is needed in the middle of a snowflake in order for the crystals to form? How many sides does that shape have? (Hint: hexagon...with 6 sides!)

A snowflake and a child - no two are the same. Snowflakes Fall is a beautiful story of the cycle of nature and the special qualities that make each of us unique. Students created their own beautiful snowflake designs...check out a sampling of creations below:
In the book "The Snowy Day," we read how Peter got to to experience a wonderful day after a large snowfall. We discussed his winter clothing outdoors and the difference in the clothes he wore inside. We enjoyed Peter's adventure sliding down hills, throwing snowballs and making tracks in the snow. It was so hard to choose, but we picked our favourite part and drew it in our journal. We drew the snow like it was shown in this book! Ask your child what their favourite part was!
Link to our Simons Valley School calendar: Click Here
Link to schedule for Friday Kindergarten Classes: Friday Schedule
Our Emails
Mrs. Oster: rdoster@cbe.ab.ca
Mrs. Sutherland: klsutherland@cbe.ab.ca
Mrs. Wiskar: mjwiskar@cbe.ab.ca