Friday, February 21, 2025

February 17-21, 2025

A community is a place where we live, work, and play! 
In kindergarten we're learning that our community is a place for you and me. Schools, skating rinks, grocery stores, houses, trees, parks, and more where people can welcome each other and have conversations together.

Students shared their understanding of community by drawing 3 pictures in their journal they might see in their own community like 7-11, firetruck, school bus, roads, the dollar store, gas station, street signs. Talk with your child in the car or when you are walking outside, what they see and notice in their neighborhood.

We got to see the Earth, Canada, Calgary, then our school on Google Earth -so cool! Students shared lots places they've seen or visited in our community like Dairy Queen,  Tim Hortons, Vivo, Children's Hospital, Dentist Office... Then they chose 3 buildings to draw on a map in their journal. We'll continue adding to this map as we study our community.

Important Kindergarten Dates
 Monday, Feb. 24 - LIBRARY DAY - Return your book in its plastic bag
Wednesday, February 26 - Pink Shirt Day
Friday, Feb. 28 - NO School -Non Instruction Day (Teacher meetings)
Friday, March 7, AM Kindergarten Attends

Link to our Simons Valley School calendar: Click Here

Link to schedule for Friday Kindergarten Classes: Friday Schedule

Our Emails

Mrs. Oster: 

Mrs. Sutherland: 

Mrs. Wiskar: