Friday, September 22, 2023

September 18- 22, 2023

 September 18-22, 2023

Our Class is a Family

We started our week with the story, "Our Class is a Family" to learn that we take care of each other at school and work together as a team. From there we talked about the families that live in our homes and the people that love and care for us at home. Students drew their home family to add to our wall display of families.

David Goes to School!

Next we talked about the important rules we follow at school to keep each other safe and show respect to ourselves, others and our school. We used a template with "Yes David" and "No David" to draw our ideas about how to behave at school so that everyone has a calm and happy place to learn.

Terry Fox

In preparation for our run on Monday, we learned about Terry Fox- a Canadian National Hero who started running across Canada to raise money for cancer research. He ran for 143 days and went through 10 pairs of running shoes! We learned that just like Terry, normal people can be hero's; by helping others and cheering on our friends when they need encouragement! We know some students in our school right now are superhero's...we can choose to wear yellow t-shirts for our Terry Fox run on Monday and possibly bring a "toonie for Terry" to help! We imagined running beside Terry and drew a picture of ourselves beside him cheering him on!

First Day of Fall Trees!

September means a change in seasons! We have been talking about the leaves and the colours we see!! We have been using our scientist eyes to see the fall colours...yellow, orange. red, brown and a bit of green!

After reading some books about fall or autumn, we created some lovely fall trees that we will display! 

Terry Fox Run- Monday September 25

Both AM and PM classes will have a chance to run laps for Terry Fox. Our Kindergarten route will be shorter/ smaller than the school route to keep our Kindies safe and help them feel a sense of accomplishment. Everyone is welcome to wear a yellow shirt in support of childhood cancer awareness and cheer on our own student superheroes at SVS. We will also be accepting donations for the Terry Fox Foundation.

Fun Snacks/ "Healthy Hunger "fundraising- a Parent Council Initiative...

New this year!!  Kindergarten students are able to place orders for fun snacks...simply create an account on the Healthy Hunger website, add your student to the appropriate class and place your order. If you have questions please reach out to parent council!

Kindergarten Open House/ Conferences...

We hosted 2 of 4 open house sessions Thursday evening for families to meet us, see the classroom and listen to a short presentation about Kindergarten at SVS. There are two sessions remaining next Thursday September 28 (5-5:30pm and 6-6:20pm).  Please sign up for a session in PowerSchool! 

Information is repeated at each session so you only need to attend one time; if you are not able to attend, we totally understand and will post photos of our classroom displays next week for everyone to view...stay tuned!

Preparing for next steps....

The last few days we have really noticed the chill in the air and we know that in the coming weeks (hopefully a long way off) we will have to deal with the joys of some possible snow fall. Colder weather and eventual snow is almost worst nightmare territory for Kindergarten teachers...

40-50 kids in our spaces with new jackets and snow pants they haven't put on or taken off that are stiff and hard to manage, multiple Costco jackets in the same size and colour hanging on hooks side by side...a time limit on getting out the door...AAAHHHHHH. 

Please, please, please help us!
- Have your child start putting on their coat and removing their coat INDEPENDENTLY when coming to school
- Have your child put on their running shoes or boots by themselves 
- Practice putting their coat on before their backpack! 
-LABEL THEIR HOODIES, JACKETS, MITTENS, HATS, BOOTS and other items that come into school (please). When we find items and try to reunite them with their owner, we get 40-50 blank stares, especially if items are new for the season...

Some children are used to an adult helping them with each step of getting ready and become upset and frustrated when we cannot provide that attention. Practicing now will help prepare your child for a more smooth transition to cold weather. We spend lots of time outside in kindergarten (no matter the weather)!
Thank you for your support.

Important Kindergarten Dates

LINK to our school  calendar

Kindergarten Friday Class Calendar

Our Emails

Mrs. Oster: 

Mrs. Sutherland: klsutherland@cbe.ab.c

Mrs. Wiskar: