Friday, January 26, 2024

January 22-26, 2024

The world changes when it snows!! This week we had so much learning the facts about snowmen and the fun we have when we use our imagination.


We started with science exploration about what could make a snowman melt? Our Grade 6 helper buddy, Blake created a Sneezy and Wheezy to visit our classroom. We got to touch the snowman's icy cold head with our fingers and then again with a mitten on. We read that Sneezy melted when he drank hot cocoa, sat in a campfire, and stood by a campfire. Then we made of list of our ideas that could melt Sneezy. 

We left Sneezy inside overnight in our classroom. Look at what happened to him! "But don't be sad," the puddle said, "You can make be brand new.'

We are scientists! We felt our little snowman with a bare hand and a mitt. We know why we need to wear mitts now!

Our Melted Snowmen...

What do snowmen do after we have gone to bed? 
Snowmen at Night shared lots of winter fun that the snowmen have after the sun goes down.  Drinking ice cold cocoa, skating sledding, snowball fights, baseball...Check our Visual Journal story responses to see some of our most favorite activities.

What if snowmen could have fun all year long? Students completed 4 seasonal pictures in their journals to show snowmen in spring, summer, fall, and winter. Ask your child what season is their favorite and why.


Next we read a story about snowmen at work. If you were a snowman, what job would you choose? This story introduced important jobs in our community that help us. We will be learning more about our community in the coming weeks.

New Math Centres
We continue to grow in our number sense as we practice new skills in counting, graphing, tally marks, and ten frames. 

We were so excited that the weather warmed up enough this week to return to our favorite day time activity - our school playground! It was fantastic playing together and enjoying the fresh air!

We also had some exciting challenges in our PE. We are nearing the end of our gymnastics unit and Mr. Collins planned some obstacles using different equipment and mats for us to practice moving across, over, under, and through. Next week is the ultimate challenge - Mission Impossible!!

HUGE THANKS TO THE FAMILIES WHO HAVE PLACED ORDERS FROM OUR SCHOLASTIC READING CLUB!! Our classroom is earning bonus points we can use to purchase books for the classroom- thank you for your support!

We will be placing our next classroom order on Wednesday January 31, 2024

There is "free shipping" on orders that ship to the school so if you place an order prior to that date we can bundle those orders and they typically arrive to our school within two weeks!!

Our classroom code is: RC210876

Important Kindergarten Dates

Tuesday, January 30 Report Cards Available in MY CBE. Report cards can be seen in digital format. There will not be paper copies sent home. 

LINK to our school  calendar

Kindergarten Friday Class Calendar

Our Emails

Mrs. Oster: 

Mrs. Sutherland: klsutherland@cbe.ab.c

Mrs. Wiskar: