Friday, May 3, 2024

Apr 29-May 3, 2024

Circles, and Squares, and Triangles...oh my!! Shape Hunters, Bee Scientists and the arrival of Duck Eggs! What an egg-citing week!!

DUCK EGGS: The students made guesses using clues for the big reveal of our Nanny McClucken duck eggs. Thank you to our grade 6 student, Blake who helped us welcome the news with a duck float in parade-like fashion! The 8 eggs are being kept safe and warm in the incubator in the class.  Students will have several weeks of waiting patiently to see if there will be any ducks inside the eggs. Students will soon learn about how we "candle" eggs (under the close supervision of the teachers)

MATH - SHAPES: We are shape hunters! We watched a video to help us review the attributes of shapes and to learn that shapes are all around us!  Then we went on a scavenger hunt in the classroom and found real-life examples of shapes in our world. 
Ask your child to find and identify shapes in your home. 
"the doorknob is a circle."
"square wall tiles."
"clothes hangars look like triangles."
"the door is a rectangle."


SCIENCE -  BEES: We are continuing our study of bees as insects learning fun facts, identifying parts of a bee, drawing their lifecycle, and studying the unique hexagon shape of their hives. Ask your child to sing the Insect song: Head, thorax, abdomen, eyes and mouth, antennae two, six legs and that's an insect for you!! Check out some of our science work.

Centre time building beehives using shape blocks!

Pumpkin Jack is growing and changing! Hopefully the air will get warmer so he can spend sometime outside and the bees will do some pollinating!

Special Activities

AM and PM classes often get different opportunities. AM had a great time watching a band from Valley Creek School and the PM class will have an assembly with Shave your Lid Next week!

Being part of the school community is very important! Assemblies as a school are a way for us to share an experience. 


Wednesday, May 8 is HATS ON FOR MENTAL HEALTH! Please have your child wear their special hat (ex. Santa hat, cowboy/girl hat, baseball hat, sun hat) to school to bring awareness to this important cause.

Wednesday is May 8 is also CLASS PHOTOS!!! 

Thursday, May 9, 2pm - SHAVE THE LID ASSEMBLY! for raising kid cancer awareness and funding for kid cancer research!

Friday May 10 is Bear Witness Day. Students will be learning about Indigenous Reconciliation and the meaning of the day.  Students may bring one small teddy BEAR to school. No bunnies, "squish mallows" or other types of animal stuffies- just TEDDY BEARS as this is a learning opportunity.

PM class may bring Teddy Bears on May 9th.

Kindies are going Swimming!! 

Our lessons are the week of May 13-16th, 2024. 
**Homework practice**
Have your child take a bath in their bathing suit.
After they get out of the tub, have them remove their bathing suit, towel dry, and dress in their regular clothes. Show your child how to roll up their bathing suit in their towel and put it in a plastic or reusable bag. It is too wet to go in a backpack.  
Note: There is only 10 minutes between the end of the swim lesson to get changed and to get on the school bus. Thanks for your help!

The $35 swim fee includes the cost of the pool swim instructors and the school bus transportation.  Please pay online in your MyCBE PowerSchool Account OR you can send a cash payment in an envelope to the office. The office will issue you a receipt.
Thank you in advance for paying in a timely manner.

Important Kindergarten Dates...

Every Wednesday- Library book exchange
Friday May 10  - AM Kindergarten Attends
Friday, May 17 - Non Instruction Day - No school for Students

LINK to our school  calendar

Kindergarten Friday Class Calendar

Our Emails

Mrs. Oster: 

Mrs. Sutherland: klsutherland@cbe.ab.c

Mrs. Wiskar: