Wednesday, November 8, 2023

November 6-November 8

 This was a busy, short week! This week we learned about PEACE!! 

Mrs. Wiskar has been teaching us some lovely peace songs! We heard one at the special Remembrance Day assembly! We know that we have the power to speak nicely to others and that we have peace in our own hands and peace can start with us!

Here is the song we learned, called "I've Got Peace in My Fingers."

We also traced our hands and cut them out to make a poppy to share at the Remembrance Day assembly. It was the kindergarten contribution to the assembly!

We also read a favourite story by Todd Parr called "The Peace Book." 

We worked in our visual journals to show what peace means to us! We of course used the Todd Parr style of illustrating in our responses!


Wednesday we learned a lot from the big kids at the Remembrance Day assembly. We heard a real trumpet player and listened to some beautiful music to honour our veterans. We listened to the choir sing about Peace and we knew one of the songs! Ask your kiddo what their favourite part of the ceremony was. Kindergarten classes contributed our wreath of poppies for the assembly and it was proudly displayed at the front of the gym! 

Safety News...

Twice a year, we are required to practice a lockdown drill. This involves the Calgary Police Service working with our school to make sure we are following protocols and are safe. On Monday, our morning classes had this practice.  We were not given much notice, but the children went into our storage room and were very quiet for a few minutes. Constable Mark told our kindies that they did very well for their first lockdown practice and that they will practice this every year up to, and including Grade 12.

After the practice, we read a story about how we do things to be safe… we wear a seatbelt in a car, we look for cars before we cross the road, we even wash our hands to be safe from germs. We practice being safe every day! A lockdown drill is another way to practice being safe! The adults in the building need to keep kids safe, so they can find out more information about someone or something at the school!

Next, we watched a video that Mrs. Wiskar found about a moose that was in a school in Saskatoon! The kids went into a lockdown because they needed to be safe until they could make sure the moose wouldn’t hurt them or itself!

While we know that lockdowns can be scary, please know that none of the children were upset and all of them were very proud that they had done a good job for a “real police officer!” 

Our afternoon classes participated in a practice lockdown led by teachers on Wednesday afternoon after reading the same story and learning about ways we stay safe. They did GREAT and might even tell you that Mrs. Sutherland pretended to be Mr. Snow for our practice!

Extra Fun and Library time!

This week we enjoyed some time outside and saw some lovely creations during building time at centres. Our afternoon team even listened to a classmate play his ukelele for us! We are learning to exchange our books at the library too! Thank you for helping your child to remember their library book AND BAG each Wednesday.

HUGE THANKS TO THE FAMILIES WHO HAVE PLACED ORDERS FROM OUR SCHOLASTIC READING CLUB!! Our classroom is earning bonus points we can use to purchase books for the classroom- thank you for your support!

We will be placing our next classroom order closer to the end of November...

there is "free shipping" on orders that ship to the school so if you place an order prior to that date we can bundle those orders and they typically arrive to our school within two weeks!!\

Our classroom code is: RC210876

Check out the digital flyer for  here:

Important Kindergarten Dates

LINK to our school  calendar

Kindergarten Friday Class Calendar

*******Please NOTE!!! There has been a change in our next Parent/Teacher Dates. It has been changed to assist parents in being able to volunteer for our school's Casino Fundraiser!! Our new dates will be December 7, 8 Note: TimesTBD****

Please consider volunteering for the casino fundraiser Nov. 23, 24! It is a huge event that brings in money to our school for a variety of materials and experiences we would not ordinarily receive. No volunteer clearance is required!

Our Emails

Mrs. Oster: 

Mrs. Sutherland: klsutherland@cbe.ab.c

Mrs. Wiskar:

Have a wonderful Fall Break! Classes Resume Wednesday November 15th!