Friday, April 5, 2024

April 2-5, 2024

 Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring! Calgary weather does not disappoint. We had many opportunities this week to contrast winter and spring as we began learning about Spring seasonal changes. Ask your child to name some signs of early Spring. What does the science word "thaw" mean?

I can draw, record or tell about my ideas 
On Wednesday and Thursday we continued developing our skills as writers! We are using ideas from Adrienne Gear's Powerful Writing Structures! Our anchor books were "The Remember Balloons" by Jessie Oliveros and "The Memory Tree" by Britta Teckentrup.  We used the "Memory Pocket" in our brains. ("I remember when...") to tell a story about something we have experienced like a birthday party or camping trip. We took time to share our ideas with other kids in the class, think about what picture we might draw, and what our writing might look like. Sometimes we use squiggle writing and symbols to represent our ideas and we are starting to represent sounds and words with letters! Ask your child which memory they chose to write about this week!

More Science: I can examine and describe surrounding environments.
What happens when the snow melts? 
What happens in the Spring?

Abracadabra, It's Spring! When the cold of winter gives way to the warmth of spring, there's magic in the air! Trees bud, flowers bloom, birds arrive, and eggs and cocoons hatch. Finally it's warm enough to put away winter clothes and go out and play.  Well, is Calgary! 

Fun at Centre Time!

We have been working hard, learning more new "Lively Letters" sounds. We have posted videos of the lessons for your child to practice on our Google Classroom. Please log in to your child's Google account, click on the classroom and then 'CLASSWORK' and practice!

We know 20 sounds already and are working on using the "Tap and Sweep" method to blend sounds together!

HUGE THANKS TO THE FAMILIES WHO HAVE PLACED ORDERS FROM OUR SCHOLASTIC READING CLUB!! Our classroom is earning bonus points we can use to purchase books for the classroom- thank you for your support!

We will be placing our next classroom order on Monday April 15, 2024

Click HERE for the March/ April digital flyer!

There is "free shipping" on orders that ship to the school so if you place an order prior to that date we can bundle those orders and they typically arrive to our school within two weeks!!

Our classroom code is: RC210876

Exciting News!!
We have an exciting guest joining us in mid-April who will be teaching us about bugs..."Lady Buggy" aka Georgia will be bringing some of her real life 'pets' (bugs) to the classroom so we can learn more about their habitats, life cycles, physical attributes and more! 

Please log into your child's Powerschool account to pay the fee for this special activity!

We will be introducing the topic of bugs to the kiddos next week to ensure no one feels afraid during the presentation.

We know some kiddos will prefer not to touch the bugs during our special day with Lady Buggy and that is ok...but we will insist that everyone behaves in a manner that is respectful and calm!
Thank you

Important Kindergarten Dates...

Every Wednesday- Library book exchange
Friday April 12- PM Kindergarten Attends (9:10-12:05)
Friday April 12- Panago Pizza Night
Friday April 19- Professional Development Day- 
(no school for students)
Friday April 26- AM Kindergarten Attends

LINK to our school  calendar

Kindergarten Friday Class Calendar

Our Emails

Mrs. Oster: 

Mrs. Sutherland: klsutherland@cbe.ab.c

Mrs. Wiskar: